People who live permanently outside the city know firsthand how magpies can harm. Fortunately, there are several effective methods of expelling these birds from your site. There are many ways, but not everyone can affect a certain individual. Try several options, and you will definitely be able to rid your site of magpie bird.
Scaring away birds
In UK stores you can buy special installations that have a deterrent effect on both birds and small animals. For example, you can install an ultrasound technique that affects the brain of birds in a special way, and they try to avoid those places. But such installations cannot be used for a long time, since they also affect people.
There are special repellents that react to movement: the sensor is triggered, and a powerful stream of water breaks out in the direction of the moving object.
There are also flavored repellents that cause unpleasant sensations in birds, and they do not come even close to the epicenter of the smell. All you need is to treat any porous material with a repellent and install it in several places on the site.
Preventing nesting
Magpies nest in trees, so you need to organize the crown in such a way that there are no convenient branches on it. In addition, close all external approaches to the attic, the magpie can penetrate there to place the magpie nest in more comfortable and safe conditions.
It is worth remembering about the mental abilities of this species, so you will have to become more cunning, use various methods in turn, so that the bird does not get used to it.