When it gets really warm in the UK, the problems associated with the invasion of the midges begin. There are no people who are not familiar with the unpleasant phenomena caused by midges` bites. However, not everyone knows that the invasion of midges not only harms the plants of the garden, in which so much work has been invested, but is also dangerous for people, since their bites, unnoticeable at first, cause much more negative consequences.

Means of combating midges

Means of combating midges

Image by OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay

To eradicate midges, you need to deprive them of food. Remember that some kinds of midge larvae develop in decomposing residues of plant origin, including vegetables and fruits.

If the reason for the appearance of midges is the increased humidity in the garden, no means will help to deter them, since moisture is necessary for plants. However, you can look for other reasons, for example, grass. Tall grass is a favorite habitat of midges. Therefore, cutting the site with a trimmer or lawn mower helps to get rid of insects.

If there is a compost heap on the suburban area, where all food waste is disposed of, it may be the cause of midges` attack. Then you have to look for another way to dispose the food waste.

To make midges leave the garden for a long time, you can first try a harmless agent that will not require financial expenses and will not harm anyone except midges. Such methods include traps or natural repellent.

single chance for survival

Image by Hans Braxmeier from Pixabay

The most important thing is not to give midges a single chance for survival. Having eliminated the source of the appearance of midges, after a while the insects will disappear by themselves. All products present in a house should be stored either in the refrigerator or in the cellar. In order to avoid the birth of midges in the compost heap, it is necessary to process it using antiseptic agents. The table and floors, both in the house and in the gazebo, should be washed thoroughly.