Sometimes even the most beautiful lawn can suffer from the invasion of mushrooms. After prolonged rainfall, they quickly appear on the lawn and spoil the whole appearance of the grassy lawn. However, mushrooms on the lawn are only part of the problem. Under several mushrooms, a whole mycelium of thin threads is hidden, which pierces the entire soil. How to deal with mushrooms on a country lawn and kill them all?

Deal with it

Deal with it

Image by Tobias Frick from Pixabay

First of all, you need to cut out all the mushrooms and get rid of the abundance of watering the lawn. As soon as there is less moisture, the mushrooms will not grow as actively.


It is recommended that you aerate the entire grassy lawn as soon as possible. This will help provide good air access to the grass roots and make the soil less dense and loose enough. To do this, you will need a scarifier and aerator. If scarification and aeration procedures are carried out regularly, then the risk of mushrooms in yard will be minimized.

Reducing the acidity

Reducing the acidity

Image by OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay

It will not be superfluous to reduce the acidity of the soil, if there is such a problem. It is necessary to carry out the procedure of liming the site, add chalk to the lawn, or use special deoxidizers for the soil. To prevent fungal spores from spreading across the UK lawn, it is necessary to cover the mushrooms with bags. It is best to completely uproot the mushrooms or cut them off as they appear.